Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Piltdown Hoax

The Piltdown man was an archaeological site located in England where mammal fossils were found together, like the humans and apes. In 1912, an ape’s jaw was discovered and it was unlike nobody has very seen before, it was worn-down canine tooth, kind of like if it were a humans.The Piltdown man hoax was discovered in the 1950's but, in 1949, new technology emerged that helped date fossils more accurately and clues leading to the discovery of the Piltdown hoax. In 1949, scientist began to measure the fluorine content of fossils scientists could get a better date on the fossils. Then in 1953, a full series of scientific tests were conducted on the Piltdown fossils, which lead to the exposure of the hoax.The testing showed that staining on the bones was superficial, that some of the engraves in the bones were craved with a steel knife after it was fossilized, and the more noticeable find was the teeth using a microscope they discovered that they teeth were filed down to make them look similar to the ware of human teeth. The jaw bone was found dated less than 100 years old that came from a female orangutan. This discovery had the science community in shock, they couldn't believe that someone would made a fake fossil like this one.

Many scientists are curious, creative and persistent by nature, during a scientist discovery, they might find themselves where they are doubting their ideas and thoughts, and many don't let anyone know about they.Many scientist were probably doubting the jaw and skull were not from the same creature and were in doubt of being wrong for not having the proper material to back it up. The human fault could of been that many were afraid of putting their thoughts out there and being wrong.

The scientific tools that were involved in providing information in Piltdown skull was the new emerging scientific technology fluorine testing, which made many discoveries. The fluorine test helped them test the natural level of the fossils which allowed them to calculate the date of the fossils.

The human factors in science will always be there, even if the science community tries to get rid of them, they will always be there. It is human nature to have errors, ideas, curiosity, or any of other factors that may lead to a big mistake. Many of the theory's were found in the ideas of scientist that had a risk of being wrong. The human factors have made mistakes but also made discoveries, and without these factors research could not mean much if scientist wouldn't know what their looking for without a hypothesis.

The lesson I would take from the historical event would be that if I have a thought, option, or doubt of anything I will be open minded and let others know about even if it maybe wrong. In any ideas, I will always write down any doubts on it, and research about to back up my option.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Analogy vs Homology

1. For your homologus traits provide the following information
a. Briefly describe the two different species that possess the homologus trait.
Two different species that posses the homologous trait are bats and humans. Both bats and human have similar arm structure.

b. Describe the homologus trait of each species, focusing on the differences in structure and
function of the trait. Why do these homologus traits exhibit differences between the two
species? Make sure your explanation is clear and complete.
Humans and bats have the exact same bones in their forearm, but are used for different functions. Bats use their forearms to fly around and move from place to place. On the other hand, humans use their forearms for grip, anything humans want to pick up, hold, or take they use their forearm.

c. Who was (generally, not specifically) the common ancestor of these two species and how do
you know that ancestor possessed this homologus trait?
 The common ancestor they both share is the fact that they have similar forearms bones, like the humerus, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.

2. For your analogous traits provide the following information
a. Briefly describe the two different species that possess the analogous trait.
The sharks and dolphins are two different species that possess the analogous trait. 

b. Describe the analogous trait of each species, focusing on the similarities in structure and function of the trait. Clearly explain why these analogous traits exhibit similarities between the two species.
Even though sharks are cold-blooded creature and dolphins are mammal, they share similarities in structure and function. Both sharks and dolphins share similar structure, which are similar body shape, they have fins and flippers. They both have a similar environment living underwater and use their body structure to swim faster to catch their prey.

c. All pairs of organisms share some common ancestor if you go back far enough in time. Did
the common ancestor of these two species possess this analogous trait? Why or why not?
Dolphins and sharks come from a related organism named lamprey .

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Darwin's Influence

         Thomas Malthus' essay, An Essay in the Principle of Population, made a huge influence in Charles Darwin's theory, Natural Selection, that change how the world views the science of evolution.

Malthus not only made an influence in Darwin, but also in his community. According to The Encyclopedia of Evolution, "Malthus' observation that in nature plants and animals produce far more offspring than can survive." Due to Malthus' observation, the community had a change of perspective that many offspring survive due to the limit amount of resources. The population of these plants and animals had a limit of offspring that survive depending on their environmental conditions they live in.

Malthus purpose that food and water will remain the same, but the population of animals and humans will increase. As all organisms increase, many of them will not survive due to the limit amount of resources available for them. This gave a positive effect in Darwin theory that offspring that survive will have a set of population because of their limited resources.

Without the influence of Malthus Essay, Darwin would have never develop this idea of "struggle for existence", which was what Darwin needed to complete his theory of Natural Selection. Darwin had a better understanding of the population of many organism, and how they set as a limit from the environment conditions they live in.

Darwin was afraid of the church due to the thought that he might be sentence to house arrest like Galileo, he wasn't able to express his ideas without the church threatening his life.

Work Cited: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/malthus.html